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Missionary Parents Meeting at the West Jordan Utah Park Stake, October 27, 2016.


We're very happy to help train your stake's missionary parents to use your new Missionary Display. If you host a meeting, we'll be very happy to come. We have people who can speak and show your missionary parents how everything works. And we have lots of free literature we'll bring to pass out too.

Missionary Parents Meetings
One of our favorite types of meetings. Here's some simple instructions that we give stakes about these meetings....

Missionary Parents Meetings are simple. . . . Stake's invite all of their missionary parents, and soon to be missionary parents, to come and to bring their favorite mobile device. They also ask everyone to bring a few digital pictures of their missionary on their device.

This is a hand's on working meeting. Our goal is to have everyone download and install the Called to Serve app, create an account, add their missionary and some pictures, and then join the your Stake's Group.

Parents love this because it is easy and fun. They are immediately successful. Their missionary will immediately be visible on the stake display. Stakes love it because their stake display is all setup and running (100% live) when we leave.

In general, the agenda is simple:

  1. We start and end with a missionary song and prayer.
  2. Someone from the stake (perhaps the High Councilman in charge of missionary work) opens the meeting, explains what the stake is doing, and then introduces us.
  3. We can be introduced as the My Mission developers and winners of the Church's app competition. We have a very good, somewhat spiritual presentation including showing everyone how to use the app.
  4. Someone from the Stake Presidency makes some remarks at the end, stressing how important missions and missionary work is, and giving the parents some instruction regarding the type of pictures and things you'd like them to share with the stake.

That's it. Pretty simple. Most of these meetings are an hour to an hour and a half.

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