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Missionary Displays help LDS families create and share a legacy of missionary service.

Missionary Display App

We help LDS families collect, organize and share their missionary experiences. Our system was developed for them, so that every LDS family can have a Missionary Display in their home and can see how their own family has answered the Lord's call to serve.

Our Missionary Display app is designed specifically to show large groups of LDS missionaries. People can use this app to create a "group" for their family; then see when and where everyone in that group has served. To be included, all missionaries do is join your family group.

Your stake is also a group. It's already set up and ready to go. All a stake needs to do is purchase and install a large touchscreen display, then call people to administer and manage your group. To be included in your stake's Missionary Display, all missionaries do is join your stake group.

Using a Missionary Display in your stake will help hundreds of LDS families create and share a legacy of missionary service. It will become one of their most prized possessions. It will detail every mission that they, their ancestors and their posterity have served, putting their own lives on hold to testify to the world of Jesus Christ.

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