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Stake President's office, Mesa Arizona Hermosa Vista Stake

Benefits for LDS Stakes

When LDS stakes begin using a Missionary Display, they begin using the most powerful and advanced missionary software in the world. The benefits of that choice are enormous. Everybody wins! Stakes get a sleek new interactive Missionary Display, families get a fun easy way to collect, organize and share their missionary experiences, and missionaries get mobile apps and books that provide quick and easy access to their missionary experiences after they return home. Here are some benefits that your stake will realize immediately:

  1. Missionary Software – Every member of your stake immediately gets access to the most powerful and advanced missionary software in the world to help them collect, organize and share their missionary experiences.
  2. Honor Missionary Service – Missionary Displays create a fun, vibrant, interactive experience that is an excellent way for LDS stakes to honor their missionaries and spotlight their success.
  3. Fun and Engaging – These innovative high-tech, high-touch displays are fun and engaging particularly for the youth and small children.
  4. Helps Missionary Families – Our tools help LDS families organize and share their favorite missionary pictures, stories, and experiences.
  5. Highly Automated – Missionary pictures, emails and stories literally stream into your stake's display every week from around the world.
  6. Always Fresh and Up-to-Date – Missionaries can literally (1) take pictures at a baptism on Saturday, (2) email those pictures home to their parents on Monday, where (3) their parents can login and publish (turn ON) any pictures that they wish to share. Pending Stake Admin approval, (4) those pictures are immediately LIVE in the stake center and seminary building that afternoon.
  7. Families LOVE It! – LDS families LOVE this system because it provides them (1) powerful missionary blogs and (2) beautiful mobile apps to help them organize and share their missionary pictures, stories and experiences. It also helps them (3) create and print beautiful photo albums, missionary journals, and mission books when their missionary returns home. They will have quick and easy access to every missionary picture and email they sent or received for life.
  8. Families Do All of the Work – Missionary families get very excited about this system and will do all of the work. They are happy to do it. They will load all of their missionary's pictures and emails, then select the items that they wish to share with your stake.
  9. Unlimited – Your stake is no longer limited by the physical space of your missionary map. Add as many missionaries as you like. You can load an unlimited number of missionaries. Then they, in turn, can load as many pictures, letters, stories and experiences as they like.
  10. Stake Administrators – Stake presidents can determine how they would like to administrate the Missionary Displays in their stake. They can call stake level administrators ("Stake Admins") to train parents and moderate their displays. New missionaries can join themselves or be setup by Stake Admins who have special rights.
  11. Simple and Saves Time – This system is highly automated and easy to use. No copying and pasting, forwarding emails, or editing is required. It is all cloud based and can be managed from home. All your stake needs to do is setup a display and then your missionary parents will make everything else happen. This makes everything simple and saves your stake leaders valuable time.

Please join us in building the world's best gathering place and digital repository for LDS missionaries and missionary families.

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