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Our cloud-based platform and mobile apps make Missionary Displays fun and easy to use.

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My Mission is a powerful, award-winning, highly-automated platform that provides state-of-the-art tools for collecting, organizing and sharing missionary pictures, stories and experiences.

Our Missionary Displays are successful because our apps are fun and easy to use.

1. Meetinghouse Display® App
"Meetinghouse Display" is a kiosk app that locks down your display and limits user access to only the approved missionary apps.

2. Missionary Display® App
The "Missionary Display" app is designed to display large groups of LDS missionaries. Your stake is a group. To be included in your display, all missionaries do is join your stake group.

3. Called to Serve® App
Parents use the "Called to Serve" app to post pictures and emails and interact with your stake's Missionary Display.

4.® Website
Alternatively, parents can also use the My Mission website ( to post pictures and emails and interact with your stake's Missionary Display.

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