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If you have foreign language translation skills, please consider helping us translate our missionary website and mobile apps into other languages. If you add translations to My Mission through the platforms described below, we will post them immediately. Once a language is 75% translated we'll release the language on the website and our mobile apps. Here's how to get involved:

LDS app developers, donors and volunteers find joy and satisfaction in using their unique talents, resources and abilities to further the Lord’s work. From the IT professionals who develop gospel apps that send the gospel message worldwide -- to the our countless writers, translators, and designers who maintains our buildings, giving Church members places to worship, teach, learn, and receive sacred ordinances, our employees and volunteers seek innovative ways to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the world. They are literally serving their fellow man and building the Lord's Kingdom.

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Clean, clear, bright-eyed missionaries, laboring two-by-two, have become a living symbol of this Church everywhere. They themselves are the first gospel message their investigators encounter—and what a message that is.

– Jeffrey R. Holland
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