Making sure that your Missionary Display works, and works well, is critical to our success. Therefor we offer a extended warranties and comprehensive service plans to insure your success.
Standard Equipment Warranty Missionary Display warrants that their products shall be free from defective material and comply with our published Quality Specifications and Inspection Standards for 90-days from the date of delivery, provided that the display are installed and maintained in accordance with our installation instructions and published maintenance recommendations.
Extended Warranty All of our Missionary Displays come with a 90-day manufacturer's warranty. Stakes may choose to purchase an Extended Warranty to cover the costs of repair and maintenance after their initial warranty has expired. Stakes can buy an Extended Warranty at any time, even after their original manufacturer's warranty has expired.
Service Plans
A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a contract between Missionary Display (the service provider) and your stake (the end user) that defines the level of service expected from the service provider. SLAs are output-based in that their purpose is specifically to define what your stake will receive.
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