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Elder Oaks says that the missionary map in his office is one of his most prized possessions.

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Powerful tools for collecting, organizing and sharing missionary experiences!

In a Facebook post on September 17, 2014, Elder Dallin H. Oaks posted this picture of a world map that hangs in his office (see above) along with the following comment:

"This map that hangs in my office is one of my most prized possessions. It details all of the missions that my wife, Kristen, my children, spouses of my children, and my grandchildren have served. It even lists the time Sister Oaks and I spent in the Philippines when I was the area president there from 2002 to 2004.

"For me, this map represents faith in the Lord, love of fellowman, and a family which has answered the call to serve. How grateful I am for my family and for all families whose members have made decisions to put their personal lives on hold and testify to the world of Jesus Christ."

What a great way to honor all of the missionaries in Elder Oaks' family.


Our Goal
Obviously, we're excited to have so many LDS stakes interested in our software and using our Missionary Displays. It's a thrill every time a Stake President orders a new display. And it's even more fun to see how excited their missionary parents become. But would you be surprised to learn that selling Missionary Displays to LDS stakes isn't our primary objective?

Our goal is to help families. Our system was developed for them. We help LDS families collect, organize and share their missionary experiences. So that they, like Elder Oaks, can have a Missionary Display in their home and see that their own family has answered the call to serve.

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